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Talking Inventory Management with LOCATE Inventory–On Location from Inuit

Special Edition, QB Appy Hour on location from Intuit – Talking Inventory Management with Drink Sponsor Locate Inventory


Don’t run; keep reading, lol. I joke – but truly, often accountants hear inventory and gasp for air to brace ourselves for the conversation. One thing is true in the inventory world, DETAILS matter. When our clients are confused, and we run for shelter, our clients are left with a mess. Which results in a mess for us to clean up at year-end.

So, what are our choices?

QuickBooks Online

It’s true you can do inventory in QuickBooks Online. It is also true that for simple, less robust or complex inventory needs, QuickBooks Online has forms in place to help us record our inventory stock, make sales transactions and even make adjustments when necessary. The problem is often those clients who are smaller do not really need true inventory, and those clients who are larger do need an inventory platform.

Third Party Apps for Inventory

Let me start with this, there are apps that do accounting as a side feature and then there are apps like QBO which are rock stars at accounting. The same is true for inventory. Get the right tool for the job! My husband laughs when he sees me hammering a nail with a shoe. Ya, it works but it’s twice as hard and takes twice as much time.

Using the right tool makes short work.

This week on QB ‘Appy Hour LOCATE Inventory joined us.

LOCATE Inventory is Enterprise Level Inventory and Workflow Management

LOCATE understands inventory, is complex and multi-layered. They have created a workflow which includes an operation for simple or complex businesses. They also understand that QuickBooks is a complete accounting platform for which they have created a streamlined batch accounting approach.

LOCATE has built software which is designed for growth. This allows users to stay with the same solution even if their volume increases rapidly. Their dynamic workflows keep the users constantly informed as to where the inventory is located and in what phase. LOCATE even handles manufacturing, landed cost, drop ship, supply chain management and more.

LOCATE has a Partner Program with referral commissions and implementation support. They even offer 24-hour service!

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To learn more about the show sponsor follow the link to: LOCATE Inventory

You can watch the LOCATE Inventory episode here.


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